Apter Fredericks exhibited at the Winter Antiques Show for the first time in 2015, and we were so pleased that we did!

Alice Freyman and Guy Apter at the Young Collectors Night 2015. Jewellery courtesy of S. J. Shrubsole.
Robust sales, busy days with interested punters – despite the New York blizzard, and really fun neighbours (you know who you are!) which made for fantastic camaraderie between dealers. It was a whole lot of fun, a great opportunity to meet a new market and some good business was done to boot. What’s not to love?
One of the major highlights of the Fair was the Young Collectors Night #YNC2015 sponsored by Brooks Brothers and held on Thursday 29th January.
We had been warned by other dealers to hide away the precious valuables, move the furniture to the back of the stand and have some coasters at the ready to catch the discarded empty glasses, of which there would be many.
Well, it was true that the event was the furthest thing from a musty old antiques shop you could possibly imagine. It was WILD. Pumping soundtrack. 800 of New York’s Beautiful People in their beautiful clothes. Buzzy atmosphere.
But what was a pleasant surprise was the amount of quality decorators and genuinely interested young people that we met. It was a far cry from “The Young and Check-less” that we had been cautioned about. Bring on # YCN2016!
- Jeremiah Brent, Nate Berkus
- Atmosphere
- Caitlin Frank, Rachel Schaeffer